Creating A Hygge Homeschool
So What is Cozy Bookschooling?
As you know, at BOOKS & WHIMSY, we LOVE BOOKS!
Books are the cornerstone of our homeschool. We use rich literature, living books, illustrated books, tutorials and hands on learning to gain knowledge and understanding of a topic. We encourage kids to dive down rabbit holes when a topic becomes a passion.
With our lovely research workbooks, kids are able to learn topics that are of interest to them. Some of these topics can be hard to find in the homeschool community, and that’s why we created them!
My kids love to dive deep into their passions through extensive research. With our workbooks, kids can choose a few relevant topics to study, then they can go to the library and get a stack of books that coordinate with those topics. If you choose to purchase the books for their passions, make sure you get a nice, big bookshelf too! Trust me, you’re going to need it! Parents will also need to be sure to make hands on projects a priority. When kids read about things, hands on projects bring that reading to life in such an incredible way. It makes learning relevant and a part of real life! We want our kids to really absorb what they are learning. Isn’t that the whole point of a rich homeschool experience?
So that’s it! Beautiful books, cozy workbooks, and a desire to learn. That encompasses Cozy Bookschool.
Oh, be sure to include soft music, fresh flowers, a flickering candle and lots of cozy blankets too! Happy Homeschooling!!
Tabitha R. Adams
Creator Of Books & Whimsy
Down The Rabbit Hole Educational Publsihing Co LLC
Our Homeschool Curriculum.
At Books & Whimsy, our workbooks will not give your children all the answers. These workbooks are not texbooks. They are RESEARCH STUDY TOOLS. We want kids to learn how to find the answers to their questions, interests and passions. Our workbooks guide kids along thier learning journey.
When you give your children the ability to search out answers to their questions, you are giving them an incredible ability that will stay with them for their entire life.