Summer Fun

We are in the heart of summer. Beautiful summer days are filled with gardening, pool days, beach walks and exploring, and the nights are full of stargazing, smores and lightning bugs. Are your children embracing the freedom that summer brings or are they trailing behind you unsure of what to do? Sometimes kids get bored when their schedule changes. Did you know that boredom can be a good thing? Children can actually benefit from boredom at times. it is in these moments that they become creative, inventive and curious.

I love to encourage learning and creativity in our home throughout the summer. Did you know that one of the best ways to encourage creativity is by strewing beautiful tools, books and crafts throughout the home? for example, our upstairs bookshelf has FUN science experiment kits, model building kits, and independant activities diplayed on one shelf. On another shelf, there are exciting books on animals, exploring the night sky, geology etc. Along with those books i have rocks in a basket, a telescope, and fun fact workbooks to document all of the wonderful things they are learning. These activities are available to my children and they can dive in at any time. Downstairs, we have tons of craft supplies. From jewelry kits, soap making supplies, how to draw books, and a tinker kit, we have so many options available. If these fun ideas do not work for your family, see the list below full of fun activities for kids.

  • Make a lemonade stand

  • Build a tent with blankets

  • Go on a scavenger hunt

  • Build a bird feeder or make bird seed treats

  • Glue sea glass onto a frame and add a family picture

  • Have a lego building contest

  • Have a cooking challenge

  • Paint each others faces

  • Make ice cream in a bag

  • Fold paper airplanes

  • Make paper boats to float in a pool

  • Use toothpicks and mini marshmallows to buid structures

  • Plant a food forest

  • Build figures with oven dry clay

  • Collect flowers and hammer them onto a shirt

  • Make flower crowns

  • Decorate your sidewalk with chalk

  • Start a lawncare business

  • Collect moss, rocks and dirt and make a terrarium

  • Work on a puzzle

  • Play charades

  • Paint a picture with only sticks, flowers and natural items found in your yard

I hope this helps your family create a FUN summer that your children will never forget!


Summer Activity For Kids


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